For quick help and support, we suggest using our WhatsApp/Telegram Personal Assistant, which you can find on your dashboard.
When opening your vault in any chat you can see a red/green or no color overlay above the media (as shown in the example picture):
βThere are three color options:
Green: The media file has been sent out to the subscriber and has been bought
Red: The media file has been sent out (If it is a PPV it has not been bought)
Orange: The media file has been posted on the Feed Page as a new Post
Please note that this feature only highlights media that is visible within your gallery. Sometimes OnlyFans has a bug where it doesn't display every sent out media in the gallery which leads to some sent out media not having a red overlay.
For quick help and support, we suggest using our WhatsApp/Telegram Personal Assistant, which you can find on your dashboard.