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Open chats lists

Don't confuse your fans with mass messages when they are in a conversation with you.

Arif - Head of Customer Support avatar
Written by Arif - Head of Customer Support
Updated over a year ago

For quick help and support, we suggest using our WhatsApp/Telegram Personal Assistant, which you can find on your dashboard.

Open chats lists help you excluding fans from mass messaging who you are chatting to right now.

To create an Open chats list go to "Collections" and click the "Create open chats list" button:

After clicking the button the following popup will open:

Here you can type in the maximum age of the open chats in minutes.

If you, for example, want to add all the fans to a list that you have messaged within the last 30 minutes, type in "30".

Then you can choose whether to use an existing list or to create a new list:

If you want to create a new list, please choose a name for it:

After clicking "OK" the list will be created:

For you it will name the amount of chats found within the given time frame!

Now you can select the list when creating a mass message πŸ˜‰

For quick help and support, we suggest using our WhatsApp/Telegram Personal Assistant, which you can find on your dashboard.

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