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Note that this feature is only available in the Professional plan.
Seeing your chatters’ performance never has been easier: Introducing CreatorHero Chatter Tracking
How does it work?
Just add all of your chatters to the team and once they log in through their account their data will be tracked.
Done! Now just wait for the data to appear in your dashboard.
Where do I see the data?
Just go to your creator overview. You will see a Chatter Tracking button for each of your creators. When you click it you will see an overview of all your chatters’ performances today:
You can use the dropdown menu to costumize what data you can see on the pie chart:
With the date picker you can see the data within any timeframe you want to analyze:
On the left side you also see a pie chart of their revenue.
If you want to see more specific data about a chatter, just click „View“:
Now you will see lots of data, including their online time, revenue, sent messages and more:
Reassign sales to other chatters:
Sometimes the sender of a PPV is not necessarily the one who is responsible for selling it. Or someone hasn’t used CreatorHero which then will lead to sales not being attributed correctly.
To tackle cases like this just go to the notifications of the creator and use the drop down to reassign any sale (tips and PPV sales) to any chatter.