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Automation settings feature
Arif - Head of Customer Support avatar
Written by Arif - Head of Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

For quick help and support, we suggest using our WhatsApp/Telegram Personal Assistant, which you can find on your dashboard.

Note that this feature is only available for the features of your current subscribed plan.

Invest more time, reap greater rewards – whether in business, personal life, or elsewhere. Yet, 24/7 activity is not possible. Or is it? We've found a way to keep your business running continuously without any interruption.

We have released our Automation Settings feature to boost your business around the clock! Choose when your automation features such as Promotion Reactivator, Online Mass Message, or Welcome Message should be active. The features will run regardless if a member is online. You can select between 'Run 24/7' 'Run only when a member is online' or set a custom time to run every feature even if you're currently busy or on the way.

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