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Fan spend lists

Lists that include fans depending on their spend. Only access with a professional license. Only access with a professional license.

Arif - Head of Customer Support avatar
Written by Arif - Head of Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

For quick help and support, we suggest using our WhatsApp/Telegram Personal Assistant, which you can find on your dashboard.

Note that this feature is only available in the Professional plan.

Fan spend lists allow you to add fans to a list depending on their spend, so you can for example use them in mass messaging.

Just choose your creator and then scroll down to "Lists" within the "Creator Settings" there you will find "Fan Spend Lists":

Here you can click the "Add List" button which opens a window where you can set all the attributes:

After adding the list it will appear in the table:

In this example you can see the List "Test List". Subscribers will be added once they've spend at least $900 and a maximum of $1000.

Please note that if you use an existing list’s name the old fans will be removed!

The lists are getting refreshed every couple of minutes.

For quick help and support, we suggest using our WhatsApp/Telegram Personal Assistant, which you can find on your dashboard.

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